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SERVE- Discovering my Ministry

The SERVE class will be taught by Pastor Gary.

Next classes are scheduled to begin Wednesday October 27, 6:30-8:00pm


What God made me to be determines what he intends for me to do. I will understand the purpose I was created for when I understand the kind of person I am. This is the secret of knowing God’s will for my life. God is consistent in his plan for each of our lives. He would not give us inborn talents and temperaments, spiritual gifts, and all sorts of life experiences—and then not use them. We believe by reviewing and studying these factors, you’ll discover the ministry God has for you, the unique way God intends for you to serve him.


The two results for discovering ministry I’ve been shaped for are fruitfulness and fulfillment. When you discover what God made you to be and begin to do what God made you to do, through what he made you to be, you’re going to be fulfilled. Fulfillment comes from service, not from status or anything else. 

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