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Dave and Teri Compton

Portland, OR


Dave and Terri Compton are the heartbeat of “Love Your Neighbor” ministry in Portland, Oregon. Dave’s goal is to reach out to those who are in nursing homes and are often near the end of their earthly life. He visits those who often have no hope or have fear about death. He shares the Gospel of Jesus with those who do not know Jesus, and gives encouragement and love to those who do know Jesus. Dave travels all over the Portland area each day. 

Meanwhile, his beloved wife of 37 years is at home taking care of the administrative portion of this ministry. Terri has health issues that limit her ability to  venture out as much as she would like, but she is the person that keeps Dave and other staff pastors on track. When she does leave their home she has an electric scooter which is a huge blessing to her. Dave affectionately calls her “Hot Wheels” when she is cruising along!


Dave and Terri met at a student outreach meeting that Dave was leading at OS Campus in Ashland. Terri was a nursing student. They were friends but both had visions of singleness and ministry. It was a chance meeting 4 years later at a “drunk tank” in a Portland jail that began the true Dave and Terri relationship. He was a jail pastor and she was a nurse assigned to that unit that day. They both are fulfilling their lives of ministry, together!

When I asked Dave “How can we pray for you?” He said his first prayer request is for Terri and her health, both physical and emotional. He said she is so strong, but sometimes she does get a bit discouraged. The second is that he will be able to continue ministering to the elderly as long as he is able. I would add that we pray for Dave’s safety as he drives about the city each day. He said he often is close to being involved in traffic accidents, God’s hand of protection he is sure.

Bible Baptist Church
4849 South 6th Street
Klamath Falls, OR 97603

Phone: 541-883-2289

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